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Let There Be Light

As I reflect on this past year, I am reminded of how dark our existence has become. In the new normal, we find ourselves more and more isolated than ever. The pandemic has stripped away at our work, at our schools, and even forced its way into our homes. Like the thief in the night, the virus has robbed us of time and memories, forced us to listen to dire warnings that something wicked this way comes. Our minds have become so saturated with messages of fear and death that it seems as if our existence is nothing more than a bleak repeating loop that plays over and over in our heads. So much so that we wonder if the monsters we always thought were lurking in the shadows might not be real after all. The boogie man is waiting. Waiting for you.

Some of us have watched this demon of death snatch a loved one. We have sat in our shuttered homes, helpless and hopeless, as a loved one has been taken from us. Friends. Family. Lights of our lives. The very people who were our core, our strength are gone, leaving us to sit alone in the darkness with our tears. We wonder how a loving God could have possibly allowed these hounds of hell to roam among us. Where is God when God is needed? Does He not see? Does He not care? Why must we sit in darkness, listening to the cries of anguish that too often fill our ears?

I am reminded that in the Bible that the appearance of God is often associated with darkness turning into light. The night gives way to a new day. The glory of God rises, and the bleak gray of our fear evaporates into the nothingness it always was. How I long for that kind of day!

Think about when the earth was dark and void, God spoke and there was light. Reflect on when Moses asked God to reveal himself, God granted his wish, turning his face into the cleft of the rock as He passed by. The radiance of God's glory shone so brightly that the face of Moses had to be covered for weeks. When the children of Israel needed to know what direction to go, a pillar of fire (light) led the way. When the nation of Israel had trouble choosing God over Baal, God broke the sky with fire falling from heaven, consuming everything.

Even in the Christmas story, light comes breaking into the blackness of night. A bright star shines constantly, leading the wise men to the place where Jesus was. Angels break into the darkness with heavenly glory, singing tidings of great joy to shepherds.

During the ministry of Jesus, when the Son of God is transfigured, his clothing becomes radiant with light. Jesus, himself, proclaims that He is the light of the World. In the book of Revelations, Jesus tells the churches that He is the bright and morning star. And at the end of the book, we are told that a new heaven and a new earth are coming where the Lamb will be their light.

Think about how in nature, the light of the sun breaks the darkness of night every morning. Even though the clock might say it is a new day, and our eyes only see the darkness, we know. We await the dawn of new beginnings while surrounded by the blackness of night.

I guess what I am saying is that even though our existence has become dark, and the reality of life makes it seem as if death has swallowed us up, the light is coming. When you and I least expect it, God will show up. His glory will break through. Relaize that God isn’t done yet. A new day is almost here. God is about to do a new thing. Soon, someday down the road, there will be light. The kind of glory that reveals His Truth and leaves every fear and falsehood behind us.

How I long for that day!

We just have to wait in the darkness a little while longer.